
Selling Your Home? No Fur Balls, Old Cars or Kids Allowed! By Carolyn West

Expert Author Carolyn West
Back in 1993 when I first started out in real estate, I was working as a traditional realtor going on listing appointments. As I drove-up to the property I began scanning the exterior for curb appeal and general appearance of what needed to be corrected before we market the property.
The yard was cluttered with children toys, garden hose and an old tires from a car that looked like it was sitting in the driveway and no longer drivable.
Upon entering the property I was hit with a strong kitty litter odor that practically knocked me over. Now don't get me wrong I love animals I have 2 dogs and a cat myself - but my home is not on market to sell.
The smell was over powering. After previewing the home, I sat down at the kitchen table with the homeowners to go over where we could list the property for sale and review what needed to be done prior to listing the property. I did not get very far before my eyes started itching, burning and tearing, my nose began to run and I started sneezing uncontrollable. So much so I had to leave the property. Needless to say I did not take the listing because the homeowners thought my allergies were unique to me.
When marketing your property for sale it's important to realize that your house is no longer yours. The way you live in a home when it is not on market is not the same when you live in your home when it's on market.
Animals and children need to become invisible to the potential buyers during the marketing stage. The home must be cleaned from top to bottom, inside and out. All odors removed.
If you have a kitty litter box inside the home clean the box frequently or better yet move the box and animals to the garage. Dogs need to be removed from the property or crated during the showing.
If you are a cigarette smoker - smoke outside. Many people can not tolerate the smell of cigarette, cigars and pipe tobacco. You are losing buyers. If you think a non-smoker cannot smell tobacco odors you are wrong. I can often smell if the owner is a smoker or not from the driveway before I even enter the property.
Garden hoses need to be neatly stored. Old cars and tires need to be removed from the property. Children toys need to be pick-up and stored away to give buyers the opportunity to 'shop' your home without fear of tripping over toys and clutter. Use a storage bin in the garage to neatly store toys, bicycles, balls and skates.
Making simple changes to how you live in a property when your home is not on market vs living in a home when it is on market is the difference in whether the home will sells or not.
When marketing your home remember that not all buyers like your kitty or pooch or even your children.

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